miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

The demostration was started by a young, his name was demetrius he works in a parcel.
He designed in all vagones of metro in special the wagons of Manhattan. He was riding with a tag this signed painted the number of the Street in he living.
Started in spain in the 80’s with hIs friend Juan Carlos arguello. Now these urban tribe is conformed by youngs with like dress forms, music, lenguaje and other thinggs equal
In these group of youngs are searching theyr identity but dislike they serch other alternAtive.
However there are two types of painters the “graffiteros” and painters who paint something nonsense. Also there other paints that representing they are living now and example family problems but also is used as fun and can express what they fee. The clothes dressed by theirs are of type “cholo” or “banda”.
They listen music of “Eminem” rap, hip-hop the advantage of pertain in group of graffiteros help to away from adictions an example   drugs, alcoholic drinks or sustances that damages our body.
In these new fashion implemented thik of eahc people can look much deiferency integration to the society.
But equal there disadvantages of pertain of a group because:
·         Exist problems with the pólice
·         In the economy when they buy things for paint
·         Fines
·         When they didn’t have money they can steal
·         Lose daily activity an example lack to the school, don’t work
In the future the paints will be sold by the painters they can have much money and stop being poors transmit theys knowledges.The tribe is very recognized and with old because is popular in our society.

In the urbans tribes exist Hippies, Skaters, Hevies, Cumbieros, Cholos, Fresas, Darketos, Punketos, Rockeros, Goticos, Bikers ,Metaleros, the urbans tribes are youngs with dress and other thinks equals.

1 comentario:

  1. En nuestros dias los grafiteros abundan mucho; talves sea un problema para la sociedad ya que son jusgados por la forma que visten mas que nada por su aspecto personal pero a la ves ellos expresan lo que sienten a base de sus propios gaffitis.
    Alejandra de la cruz romero 5101
